
Designed for the Distinct Anatomy of Neonate and Paediatric Airways

Shiley™ neonatal and paediatric tracheostomy tubes incorporate a wide range of simple and smart design advances to improve the healthcare experience for both patients and clinicians.

Our portfolio offers innovative cuffed and cuffless options, in a variety of sizes, with designs tailored to the needs of neonatal and paediatric patients.

Product Features

Simple & Smart design advances inspired by you

  • Flange distinction for neonatal or paediatric patients
  • Comfort recess on the bottom of the connector to help reduce inferior stoma irritation1
  • A unique paediatric cuff design
  • TaperGuard™ cuff technology may reduce removal force1
  • Transparent soft flange that supports patient comfort and visualization of the skin below

TaperGuard™ Cuff Technology - To help you manage your ventilator-dependent patients 

The low-profile, low-pressure TaperGuard™ cuff:

  • Reduces fluid leakage by an average of >94.8% at similar or lower intracuff pressure2
  • Significantly improves management of airway leak at pressures below 25 cm H2O3
  • Reduces removal force by 58.3% compared to the previous barrel-shaped cuff — reducing the potential for stoma irritation or damage during removal4

How to Order

For additional information or to place an order, call Customer Service at +44 (0) 19 2320 2504.

Order Information
Order Code Description I.D. O.D. Length
Shiley™ Neonatal Tracheostomy Tubes      
2.5NEF Shiley™ Neonatal Tracheostomy Tubes, Cuffless 2.5 mm 4.2 mm 30 mm
3.0NEF Shiley™ Neonatal Tracheostomy Tubes, Cuffless 3.0 mm 4.8 mm 30 mm
3.5NEF Shiley™ Neonatal Tracheostomy Tubes, Cuffless 3.5 mm 5.4 mm 32 mm
4.0NEF Shiley™ Neonatal Tracheostomy Tubes, Cuffless 4.0 mm 6.0 mm 34 mm
4.5NEF Shiley™ Neonatal Tracheostomy Tubes, Cuffless 4.5 mm 6.7 mm 36 mm
2.5NCF Shiley™ Neonatal Tracheostomy Tubes, with TaperGuard™ Cuff 2.5 mm 4.2 mm 30 mm
3.0NCF Shiley™ Neonatal Tracheostomy Tubes, with TaperGuard™ Cuff 3.0 mm 4.8 mm 30 mm
3.5NCF Shiley™ Neonatal Tracheostomy Tubes, with TaperGuard™ Cuff 3.5 mm 5.4 mm 32 mm
4.0NCF Shiley™ Neonatal Tracheostomy Tubes, with TaperGuard™ Cuff 4.0 mm 6.0 mm 34 mm
4.5NCF Shiley™ Neonatal Tracheostomy Tubes, with TaperGuard™ Cuff 4.5 mm 6.7 mm 36 mm
Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes      
2.5PEF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Cuffless 2.5mm 4.2 mm 39 mm
3.0PEF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Cuffless 3.0 mm 4.8 mm 39 mm
3.5PEF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Cuffless 3.2 mm 5.4 mm 40 mm
4.0PEF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Cuffless 4.0 mm 6.0 mm 41 mm
4.5PEF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Cuffless 4.5 mm 6.7 mm 42 mm
5.0PEF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Cuffless 5.0 mm 7.3 mm 44 mm
5.5PEF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Cuffless 5.5 mm 7.9 mm 46 mm
5.0PELF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Extra-Long, Cuffless 5.0 mm 7.3 mm 50 mm
5.5PELF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Extra-Long, Cuffless 5.5 mm 7.9 mm 52 mm
6.0PELF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Extra-Long, Cuffless 6.0 mm 8.5 mm 54 mm
6.5PELF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Extra-Long, Cuffless 6.5 mm 9.0 mm 56 mm
2.5PCF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, with TaperGuard™ Cuff 2.5 mm 4.2 mm 39 mm
3.0PCF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, with TaperGuard™ Cuff 3.0 mm 4.8 mm 39 mm
3.5PCF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, with TaperGuard™ Cuff 3.5 mm 5.4 mm 40 mm
4.0PCF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, with TaperGuard™ Cuff 4.0 mm 6.0 mm 41 mm
4.5PCF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, with TaperGuard™ Cuff 4.5 mm 6.7 mm 42 mm
5.0PCF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, with TaperGuard™ Cuff 5.0 mm 7.3 mm 44 mm
5.5PCF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, with TaperGuard™ Cuff 5.5 mm 7.9 mm 46 mm
5.0PLCF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Extra-Long with TaperGuard™ Cuff 5.0 mm 7.3 mm 50 mm
5.5PLCF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Extra-Long with TaperGuard™ Cuff 5.5 mm 7.9 mm 52 mm
6.0PLCF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Extra-Long with TaperGuard™ Cuff 6.0 mm 8.5 mm 54 mm
6.5PLCF Shiley™ Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes, Extra-Long with TaperGuard™ Cuff 6.5 mm 9.0 mm 56 mm

Order Information

Product Highlights


  • Shiley™ tracheostomy solutions meet the latest safety standards*, offering tubes that are manufactured with a non-phthalate citric-based plasticizer material.

Soft, clear neck flange

  • The Shiley™ tube's clear flange allows for enhanced visualization of the underlying skin and stoma site.

Varying flange angles

  • Shiley™ tracheostomy solutions are manufactured with varying flange angles to help provide a better fit for infants and children as they grow.

Comfort recess

  • Shiley™ tracheostomy tubes include a comfort recess designed to help reduce pressure on the patient’s skin.

Tape tie recess

  • The flange on a Shiley™ tracheostomy tube includes a recess to make insertion of a tape tie or tracheostomy tube holder simple and to reduce contact with the patient's skin.

TaperGuard™ low-profile, low-pressure cuff

  • Provides sealing through a low-profile (low-volume), low-pressure air-filled cuff.2
  • Reduces removal force by 58.3% compared to traditional high volume low pressure cuffs, thereby reducing the potential for stoma irritation during removal.2
  • Reduces fluid leakage by an average of 94%, in comparison to the predicate Shiley™ device at 20% lower intracuff pressure than predicate Shiley™ device.4

Child-safe pilot balloon

  • Includes plastic housing around the tip of the inflation lumen that prevents the ability of placing the inflation lumen into the 15 mm connector of the tracheostomy tube, which could obstruct airflow.

3D Shiley™ Flex Tracheostomy Tubes Tool


Discover our tracheostomy portfolio virtually by interacting with each of the trach tubes in the three-dimensional space!

  • *As of European product introduction in 2013.

  • 1. Based on internal testing. Comparative ventilator air leak test performed using the Shiley™ 4.0PCF and 6.5PLCF pediatric tracheostomy tubes with taper-shaped cuff vs. predicate Shiley™ 4.0PDC and 6.5PLC pediatric tracheostomy tubes with barrel-shaped cuff

  • 2. Internal bench testing. Comparative fluid seal test performed using the Shiley™ 4.0PCF and 6.5PLCF pediatric tracheostomy tubes with taper-shaped cuff vs. predicate Shiley™ 4.0PDC and 6.5PLC pediatric tracheostomy tubes with barrel-shaped cuff.

  • 3. Internal bench testing. Comparative ventilator air leak test performed using the Shiley™ 4.0PCF and 6.5PLCF pediatric tracheostomy tubes with taper-shaped cuff vs. predicate Shiley™ 4.0 PDC and 6.5PLC pediatric tracheostomy tubes with barrel-shaped cuff.

  • 4. Internal bench testing. Comparative removal force test performed using the Shiley™ 4.0PCF and 6.5PLCF Pediatric Tracheostomy Tubes with taper-shaped cuff vs. the predicate Shiley™ 4.0PDC and 6.5PLC pediatric tracheostomy tubes with barrel-shaped cuff.