
Accuracy is everything

CT-to-body divergence — the discrepancy between the static CT scan and the dynamic breathing lung — can affect accuracy and lung biopsy location, regardless of navigation technology. 

You need confidence throughout a lung biopsy to know where you’re at and that you’re on target. 

Introducing the ILLUMISITE™ platform

Correct for CT-to-body divergence

  • Real-time imaging solves for the discrepancy between the static CT scan and the dynamic breathing lung
  • Fluoroscopic navigation technology enhances the visibility of the nodule

Visualize alignment with nodule throughout procedure

  • Allows you to locally register the nodule and adjust alignment during the procedure
  • Gives you the ability to sample multi-directionally
  • Assures alignment even after the locatable guide is removed

Expand access outside the airway

  • Provides you access to nodules outside the airways with the CrossCountry™ transbronchial access tool

Don't let lung motion put biopsy at a standstill

Reliance on a static image in a dynamic environment can make nodule biopsies using lung navigation technology challenging. Learn how the ILLUMISITE™ platform can help.